Initial Installation mit SuSE 7.3

Boot from DVD or CD-ROM

Press and hold the key "c" after powering on the system to boot from DVD or CD-ROM.

Changing the resolution of the screen

The first thing I recommend is to change the screen resolution to 1024x768 by pressing "F5"

Keep Windows XP?

If you install Linux the first time on the system, SuSE Linux asks you if you want to keep Windows in a smaller partition.

Which distribution is approbate?

I chose "default installation with office" and applied all other packages afterwards, see below.

System Component Configuration

I recommend to configure all connected devices directly after installing the basic packages. Of course they also can be configured later, but I think it is a good idea to have at least the network configured and may be running.

Attention: PCMCIA cards won't run immediately and the internal modem won't run at all.

After all basic packages from the chosen installation are on the system there pops up a screen "System Component Configuration":

Access to the notebook over the network

If you want to make your notebook reachable over the network (e.g. via telnet or ftp) it is important to activate all network services after your installation is complete. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Start yast 1

    # yast
  2. Choose "System Administration"

  3. Choose "Network configuration"

  4. Choose "Configure network services"

  5. Answer all questions with "yes"

  6. Edit in file /etc/inetd.conf one of these three lines to activate one ftp demon. To do this you have to delete the leading # in one of the lines:

    # ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd wu.ftpd -a
    # ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd proftpd
    ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd

Installation of additional packages

In my opinion the basic installation which offers SuSE is not fully featured. Therefor I installed 201 additional packages (and deinstalled 3 packages I don't needed).

Here a full list of all packages I installed [/var/lib/YaST/toshiba.sel]
A diff between the basic installation of SuSE and my additional packages can be found here []

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Last update: May 13th, 2002